Converge and BSides Detroit talks and slides

I had a great time at Converge and BSides Detroit.

This was my third attempt at going and I'm happy I finally got the opportunity to do so. The last two years I've had to cancel my plans due to life reasons. I did two talks this year. One at Converge and one at BSides. Both are linked below along with the slides for both talks.

How to kick start an application security program - Converge Detroit

I've given this talk at three other BSides prior to Converge. I feel like this is my best presentation of the talk so far. I will be giving it again at ShowMeCon in June.



The AppSec Starter Kit - BSides Detroit

This was my first time giving this talk. I thought it went well for it's first attempt. It still needs polish. It will probably be a while before I give this talk again at a security conference. I made this talk to present at developer conferences. It hasn't been picked up, yet. I'm hopeful it will for some talks later this year.


This blog post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.

Trends 2015 presented by IT-ology wrap-up

Trends 2015 presented by IT-ology was today and I am exhausted.

Every year in the fall IT-ology selects a technology topic to hold a conference on. This year was security, so naturally ColaSec was involved in providing speakers, volunteers, and marketing for the conference. Four keynote speakers filled the morning track and 12 speakers filled the afternoon tracks, which were split into technologist, civilian, and business. I presented a talk titled, "Low cost tools for security challenges" in the technologist track.

For those coming to my site who were in that talk, here are my slides and here are my videos (from previous conferences) of the talk. I got some good feedback from in regards to the talk, which was very much appreciated.

Trends 2015 was the last time I intended to give this particular talk. The recordings are out, my slides are out there, and I'd like to move onto some fresh content. What that is, I don't know yet, but I have some ideas. Before I move onto some fresh content, I want to compliment the video and slides of my talk with some blog posts that go a little more in-depth with the tools I presented. Over the next several weeks I intend to have a post a week, with step-by-step instructions on how to use each of the tools in my talk.

Thank you to everyone that made it to my talk and any feedback is still welcome.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.